Second up in our round up of photographers to watch, is Gareth Rhys. With a portfolio full of photographic styles and creativity, you wont be left feeling unsatisfied but excited.
So heres out interview with Gareth.
Tell 'Keep The Wolf' a little about yourself ?
I am 21 years of age, currently residing in the valleys of South Wales, just outside of Cardiff. I like animals, Lady Gaga and dyeing my hair.
What does photography mean to you ?
To me, photography is a way of expressing your imagination through imagery. It's such a great way to portray the idea's you have in your head, and give people a little glimpse of how you see the world. It allows you to use your imagination in a different way. It's also a very personal thing to me. Most of my imagery that I show the world is portrait/fashion based, but I shoot a lot of everyday things on film that people never see. I guess it's my way of capturing those little moments in life that make you smile, and will remind you how you of how you felt at that particular moment in time.
What has been your most memorable shoot ? & why ?
I really don't think one shoot has been more memorable than the other, they all hold different memories for different reasons, I wouldn't be able to choose just one!
How long does it usually take you to plan a shoot ?
It all depends really. I've arranged shoots in a matter of days, and some take a couple of weeks worth of planning. Editorial shoots usually take a bit longer as you need time for stylists to pull all the clothes etc.
What are some of your accomplishments as a photographer ?
Having your work published always feels great, so I guess they are accomplishments. No matter how big or small the feature/article is, I'm just so thankful people like my work enough that they want to share it with other. I guess my favourite accomplishment, if you will, is when a self portrait of mine was chosen to be published in a very inspirational book called 'We Feel Fine', a project by Jonathan Harris and Sep Kamvar. For anyone reading this, you should check it out at /www.wefeelfine.org/ !
Who are some of your favourite photographers ?
One of my all time favourites is Tim Walker, when I discovered his work I was blown away. I was lucky enough to go to one of his talks in Cardiff back in 2009, and it was so inspiring! Some of my other favourites include; Mert Alas & Marcus Piggott, Mario Testino, Nick Knight, Patrick Demarchelier, Eugenio Recuenco, Sølve Sundsbø, Rankin... the list goes on!
What do you believe makes a quality photograph ?
A quality photograph, to me, is one that draws you in straight away. Something that evokes emotion.
What matters to you most as a photographer ?
Constantly keeping myself inspired, and trying new things.
Whats your favourite part about conceptualising a photo shoot/photo ?
It's great having an idea in mind, then stumbling across new artists when researching ideas, that's probably what I love most. I also love it when I present my ideas to the team and they are as excited about it as I am!
Who out of current stylists and magazines would you like to collaborate with ?
I would absolutely love to work with Anna Trevelyan, her styling work is absolutely amazing and she's done so well for herself. If you haven't seen her work, I suggest you check it out. Like any other photographer, It would be my dream to shoot for a well known magazine such as Vogue, i-D, Dazed & Confused etc.
What does the future hold for Gareth Rhys ?
I am currently looking to move to London, and will hopefully be living there by the end of the year. I'm so excited because there are a lot of opportunities there from me. So yeah, moving to the Big Smoke is the next step in my career!