Using sustainably sourced fabrics, Partimi are bringing us a luxurious collection full of unique and sensational pieces .
So heres a little interview we had with partimi to give you a real insight into this brilliant collection.
Tell KTW about the collection
PARTIMI's AW11 'Garden' collection was inspired by childhood memories, lush winter gardens and momentum. The idea came about whilst shooting a short film with my brother and cousins in our family garden for SS11 and I was just struck by the situation and how we were mimicking generations before us who had played and run around in the same garden which was built by my family in the mid-1800s. Lasting memories are important to me and keep me grounded in the flux of busy London life. All the prints are derived from the garden and pinpoint three periods of time - from a lichen covered bench, to a photograph of my father and aunt playing in the 60s to a still from the film shot with my brother.
What is your favorite piece ?
The 'Lichen Play Dress'. Effortless and lovely.
It will be available from mid-late August from Rous Iland Dover Street rousiland.com, 69b Broadway Market sixtynineb.com, Young British Designers youngbritishdesigners.com and Magic Number Three magicnumberthree.com.
What should we be looking out for ?
For SS12 I'm collaborating with milliner Lizzie McQuade www.lizziemcquade.co.uk to create some hats and headpieces.
I'm also working on a couple of pre-collection projects with some great retailers and will also be designing another T-shirt collection for Environmental Justice Foundation www.ejfoundation.org.
We love the personal inspiration behind this collection, creating a real life narrative and in turn creating striking prints. We at Keep The Wolf are looking forward to seeing the head pieces next year along with the ss12 collection , so keep watch too !