On the 21st of February Me and a few friends attended the Alexander wang love party at my favourite store Liberty. The night was organised to celebrate the androgyny issue of Love Magazine(was out February 7th)and the amazing Alexander Wang. Wang attended a meet and great with fans before the party which took place on the first floor within the international designer room. Ater the party guests were taken to the gallery.
Liberty played host to Alexa Chung, David and victoria Beckham,Pixie Geldof,the XX, Goldfrapp, Amber rose, Boy george, Brix Smith start, Grace Cobb, Henry Holland, Reggie Yates, Daisy Lowe with house mate Jaime Winstone, Pamm Hogg, Louise Gray and La Roux.
Nick Grimshaw took the role of Dj with his two helpers Pixie Geldof and Alexa Chung.
Beth Ditto sang acappella rendition of Whitney Houston's 'I will always love you' which had guests cheering and clapping."Thank you liberty for having me, Beth Ditto yelled into the crowd you'll never have me back here after this, but thanks to Katie Grand and Alexander Wang I've got all your free clothes, and I'm totally cool with that" during the outstanding performance.